July Update: Presentations, Pine Ridge Tours and Powwow

July 11, 2018 info@lakotarednations.com

Spring Tours, Presentations and Workshops

Grand Teton National Park

Aho! Canasapa Wi -Moon when the chokecherries are black and July is warmly underway.  Our days and hearts are full with presentations, people and powwows. Soon after we returned from California attending the UCLA and Stanford powwows and meeting with college students on both campuses we went to the Colter Bay part of the Grand Teton National Park. Dozens of visitors from all over the country and world visited our exhibit, asked thoughtful questions, and even learned some drum circle skills.

Grand Teton Artist in Residence Kelly Looking Horse




Wo Lakota Guided Tours

Pine Ridge At Dusk

Once back at Pine Ridge we introduced people coming from California, Maryland and Ohio to the  history and Lakota life of our beloved ‘rez’ .  Our guided tours include Wounded Knee, the Badlands and the He Sapa-Black Hills. And when they occur locally we introduce our visitors to the powwows in the area.


Traditional Powwow

Wakpamni Lake Community Powwow 2018
Setting up Flags for Veterans Honoring

Wakpamni Lake Community celebrated its own 4th of July annual wacipi. It’s a small but mighty traditional powwow that includes a veterans honoring, flag raising ceremonies dancing, horse racing, great food and more. And just when one thinks it doesn’t get any better than that – does!

Wakpamni Lake Community Wacipi 2018
The Graduates

For us, the high point of the three day event was an honoring and naming ceremony for the latest graduates of the Looking Horse family. Our youngest daughter completed her BA at Oglala College.Our eldest granddaughter graduated as class valedictorian from 8th grade at Pierre Indian School. Our generation can’t help but be thankful and blessed that our children and theirs continue to walk the Red Road just as the generations who have walked on have shown us.


Young Lakota Warriors
Wakpamni Lake Commuity Wacipi 2018
Getting Ready to Powwow