Lakota Red Nations California Spring Tour 2018

May 3, 2018

Lakota Red Nations California Spring Tour

Lakota Red Nations California Spring Spring Tour which includes attending the UCLA and Stanford Powwows has officially begun. Early in the chilly dreary morning of April 26 we packed up our red truck affectionately known as ‘war pony’ because–well it is. While the sun was creeping up  we left Pine Ridge and headed towards California. We made it to Flagstaff, AZ Friday evening. From there we where we picked up historic route 66- the ribbon of highway bringing us into Riverside, east of Los Angeles Saturday evening. Our son Wankinyan joins us. And we’re glad he did. We deeply appreciate his help and energy.

Route 66 Map – from
Lakota Red Nations
Kelly Carrying POW flag
Grand Entry at Stanford Powwow 2014

UCLA and Stanford Powwows

For the fourth consecutive year we’ll be at the UCLA Powwow, May 5th & 6th. The following week we’ll be at the Stanford Powwow, May 11-13. What better way to honor all mothers on mother’s day than at a powwow?  While there are many things that one can find at a powwow event, dancing, signing, and perhaps traditional crafts for sale Each powwow is unique, depending on the location time of year and of course people. We look forward to the UCLA and Stanford powwows because in addition to meeting up with longtime friends we have an opportunity to share, our passion and knowledge about Lakota history and culture for the visitors stopping by at the Lakota Red Nations booth.

We answer questions from what is parfleche (read about it here) to where is Pine Ridge Reservation? For many, the visit to UCLA or Stanford powwow is their first powwow experience. Hence, we’re able to explain the significance of what they’ll see in the dancing, signing and regalia of many nations participating in the grand Entry or veterans honoring. We also provide them with the opportunity to purchase hand crafted items using traditional Lakota techniques while incorporating new artistic ideas. All of our items are made on or near Lakota country.

Anniversary Year

This year Suzie and I celebrate forty years of adventures together and it all began at the Stanford Powwow which is why coming back always warms our heart. Stay tune for that story in a future post. In the mean time, looking forward to seeing you at the powwows.


Stanford Powwow

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