March Update

March 3, 2017

Aho!  It’s been a long winter, but promises of spring begin to sprout.

We just began  lštáwicayazan Wi, “the moon of the sore eyes”named so because typically there is plenty of snow glaring in the mid-day sun.  But days are getting longer and the blanket of snow is receding.

We’ve been busy attending winter powwows and art festivals in the Dakotas and Nebraska. These are opportunities to meet up with long time friends and encounter new ones.




We’ve also been leading workshops in traditional crafts  In these workshops we teach the participants how to make things that have been part of Lakota life for times immemorial; hand drums, moccasins or dream catchers for example. The workshops are unique in that they provide opportunities to share with participants usually a group of 10-12 people, stories that shape our history and concerns, in an intimate, informal setting–sort of like a family gathering.

People ask questions: What is it like to live at Pine Ridge? What do you like about it? What are the difficulties?  What are the possibilities? When these workshops happen at our reservation, usually at Pine Ridge Retreat Center, participants are able to see with their own eyes what some of the difficulties are, the great distances, limited resources and economic hardships among others. But they also see the beauty, of the land and our people and they understand and even appreciate that this is home for us, and we love it so. Consider planning a visit Pine Ridge. Until then, learn more about history and culture by arranging for a presentation or workshop in your area. Click here for further information. More questions? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at