Summer’s here and so are our travels west. First we’re headed to Yellowstone and then Grand Teton. We’re honored to be part of the guest artist program at both of these parks. They’re considered crown jewels of the National Parks of the United States. And this year Yellowstone celebrates its 150th anniversary. Each year millions of tourists from throughout the world travel here to see some of the more well known sites; Old Faithful, mountain peaks, lakes, hot springs, bears, elk and bison to name a few. Natural beauty of epic proportions awe us.
But these national parks are more than tourist and recreation destination spots. They are majestic lands and waters important, even sacred to many Native peoples including the Oglala Lakota. For times immemorial which is to say thousands of years and more, before the United States was even thought of, our people have come to these places to pray and gain strength and sustenance shaping our cultural and spiritual memory and identity and who we are today.

Thus, each year returning to Grand Teton and Yellowstone is a homecoming of sorts. We look forward to sharing our stories with the visitors through our presentations, songs and our crafts. We’ll be at Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center June 25-July 2. Our daughter Kaulouyah will be joining us with her own exhibit of artwork. Then we’ll be at Colter Bay Visitors Center in the Grand Teton July 4-10. We look forward to seeing you!

Aho! Like the rest of the country arctic winds and snow have stormed through Pine Ridge, as they make there way further east on turtle island. Some days it’s too cold even to go outside, much less travel. Spring seems so far away…

Inside, we’re working on all the crafts we’ll be taking on the road in the spring and later this summer. We continue to make our signature medicine bags. We’re also making traditional umbilical cord pouches. This year we’re making them with a turtle kéya design. Turtles and tortoises are found on almost every continent come in a variety of sizes and colors. Yet there round shape remain similar and common to all of them are protective domed shells. Turtles have appeared in art and stories throughout the world. Many peoples have relied on turtles for nourishment, medicine and tools. In Lakota culture the turtle is a symbol not only of Mother Earth but also of life itself. Turtles of whatever species have an amazing capacity to live on very little and even in less than optimum conditions. The life span of some species of tortoises exceeds that of humans. Turtles symbolize resilience and longevity; blessings that we wish for all mothers and children.

Contact us for custom orders. You can reach us at info@lakotarednation.com or on FB. Each item is handcrafted here at our home and we can ship almost anywhere. Different colors and designs can be made upon request for bags, drums and moccasins. Prices vary according to size and complexity of design.

Kelly Looking Horse Oglala Lakota, Artist
Aho! We’re excited to let you know Kelly finished the first phase of his commissioned artwork “Cȟaŋgléška-Wakȟaŋ” or “Sacred Hoop,”. It will be placed in the Visitor Center at Wind Cave National Park. On Monday October 10, Indigenous People’s Day, the Visitor Center is hosting a series of events. Kelly will present on the significance of the hoop to the Lakota people. You can find details about the event here. Wind Cave National Park
This project is a milestone event for us; a culmination of many years of developing a creative process that shares the stories, lives and dreams of our people. We have a past, we live in the present and we grow into the future. In that way we’re like a tree; rooted and resilient. Like a hoop, made with flexible but strong branches from a tree, we’re strengthened through our connections with our ancestors, indeed ‘all our relations’ and our hopes for the future. The Sacred Hoop-Cȟaŋgléška-Wakȟaŋ continues to remind us of this.

We look forward to seeing you October 10 at Wind Cave!

This is the month of Wípazutkan Wasté Wi, month when the June berries are good. It’s been almost a full year since our last update. This past year and a half has included both sadness and joy. Sadness because we mourned the lost of close relatives and friends during the long months of the peak of the pandemic. Joy because welcomed into this world our grandson, and enjoyed the amazing growth of his older siblings and cousins.
Also like many, we stayed at home, taking care of family. We adjusted to the new normal by giving presentations via Zoom. True, it’s not the same as in person gatherings and the positive energy one gives and receives sharing stories and singing. But it’s better than nothing!
We share below pictures of an in person presentation before the pandemic shut down all traveling.
This past November we gave a moccasin demonstration (via Zoom)for the United American Indian Involvement Center of Los Angeles. You can view it here Thank you UAII for hosting us and making this video! Keep up your amazing work!
As travel restrictions were lifted we made a quick day trip with our granddaughters to Ónažiča. It was known as the “Stronghold” located in Badlands because this is where our ancestors would go to for refuge and strength.
Once again we’ll be at Colter Bay at Grand Teton National Park June 29-July 5. Now we’re putting the finishing touches on the handcrafted items we’re bringing. Check here to get an idea of what we’ll be bringing.
We look forward to summer road trips again. We wish all families and visitors safe travels in the summer weeks ahead!
Aho! It’s been a while since we last posted. Weeks are rolling by. This week we’re once again in Colter Bay Visitor Center in Grand Teton National Park https://www.nps.gov/grte/planyourvisit/cbvc.htm. Here we share with you some pictures of the week. Be well stay safe!
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