Summer’s here and so are our travels west. First we’re headed to Yellowstone and then Grand Teton. We’re honored to be part of the guest artist program at both of these parks. They’re considered crown jewels of the National Parks of the United States. And this year Yellowstone celebrates its 150th anniversary. Each year millions of tourists from throughout the world travel here to see some of the more well known sites; Old Faithful, mountain peaks, lakes, hot springs, bears, elk and bison to name a few. Natural beauty of epic proportions awe us.
But these national parks are more than tourist and recreation destination spots. They are majestic lands and waters important, even sacred to many Native peoples including the Oglala Lakota. For times immemorial which is to say thousands of years and more, before the United States was even thought of, our people have come to these places to pray and gain strength and sustenance shaping our cultural and spiritual memory and identity and who we are today.

Thus, each year returning to Grand Teton and Yellowstone is a homecoming of sorts. We look forward to sharing our stories with the visitors through our presentations, songs and our crafts. We’ll be at Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center June 25-July 2. Our daughter Kaulouyah will be joining us with her own exhibit of artwork. Then we’ll be at Colter Bay Visitors Center in the Grand Teton July 4-10. We look forward to seeing you!