This is the month of Wípazutkan Wasté Wi, month when the June berries are good. It’s been almost a full year since our last update. This past year and a half has included both sadness and joy. Sadness because we mourned the lost of close relatives and friends during the long months of the peak of the pandemic. Joy because welcomed into this world our grandson, and enjoyed the amazing growth of his older siblings and cousins.
Also like many, we stayed at home, taking care of family. We adjusted to the new normal by giving presentations via Zoom. True, it’s not the same as in person gatherings and the positive energy one gives and receives sharing stories and singing. But it’s better than nothing!
We share below pictures of an in person presentation before the pandemic shut down all traveling.
This past November we gave a moccasin demonstration (via Zoom)for the United American Indian Involvement Center of Los Angeles. You can view it here Thank you UAII for hosting us and making this video! Keep up your amazing work!
As travel restrictions were lifted we made a quick day trip with our granddaughters to Ónažiča. It was known as the “Stronghold” located in Badlands because this is where our ancestors would go to for refuge and strength.
Once again we’ll be at Colter Bay at Grand Teton National Park June 29-July 5. Now we’re putting the finishing touches on the handcrafted items we’re bringing. Check here to get an idea of what we’ll be bringing.
We look forward to summer road trips again. We wish all families and visitors safe travels in the summer weeks ahead!
Beautiful presentation! Thank you for sharing with me. I thoroughly enjoy your friendship and family. I will be honored to follow you two on your adventures. Please sign me up. Thank you and God bless you always my dear friends, Virginia Bradford ❤
I am definitely interested in learning and partaking. . .please keep me updated with your Teachings and Travels.
Have a Beautiful Summer na TanyanOmani! Toksa! ❤
This is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings to you.
My Dear Ones, You both look happy and healthy and more than ready to hit the road again to share you art, talent and wisdom. Much Love to you both.