April-Wihákaktacépapi Wi
Aho! Wihákaktacépapi Wi, literally means ‘moon when the wife had to crack bones for marrow fat’. In times gone by hunting was near impossible in the plains. Even if the severe blizzards subsided by early spring herds of buffalo would be difficult to find and other game close to non-existent. Hence the Lakota descriptive of this time, when buffalo bone marrow helped supplied nutrients for sustenance.
Staying at home during Covid19 Pandemic
This harsh way of describing an otherwise lovely month of spring adequately expresses the hardships and uncertainty that Covid19 has brought. These weeks of an onslaught of the pandemic of our times, has changed the patterns of life for everyone throughout the world Pine Ridge included. It’s not easy to follow rules of social distancing especially as we worry about elders and the helpless. Food, medical supplies and even soap and hand sanitizers can be a challenge to obtain in rural areas including reservations. Thankfully communities are strong and we’re learning new ways to resource necessary items to care for our families.

We’re also on reservation wide lock down to prevent the spread of the corona virus. But travel restrictions are partially lifted until Saturday so people can get necessary provisions. We’re in good health for which we are blessed. We have had to suspend presentations, workshops, tours and travel for the time being. Instead, we’re crafting, taking care of our relatives and spending time with our family. Offering prayers, burning sage, drumming and singing is also away to offer our prayers for the sick, the care givers and those who have or will walk on because of this illness.

Spring has Sprung
We’re enjoying lovely spring days when tulips and trees hint more hopeful times. But cold windy days could return. Perhaps that’s to remind us difficult times won’t altogether disappear. But together we’ll have the strength to face those challenges each day as they come.
Stay safe stay home wherever you are. And when these times past we look forward to hearing from you and eventually to see you again at Pine Ridge or in our travels.