Wasúton Wi Moon of the Ripening
Our Lakota way of marking this month; the moon of the ripening also summarizes the past several months of our activities which have come to fruition in one at the beginning of August. We arrived back home and are here for a few more days before leaving again, this time for Crazy Horse Memorial in our beloved Black Hill.
There and Back Again

After several weeks in California crisscrossing the state more than once we arrived back to home at the end of May. In June we spent a week at Crazy Horse Memorial to participate the Gifts from Mother Earth Art show and will return again this coming week for the Living Treasures exhibits and demonstrations. We’ll share with you pictures and a summary in our next post. In the meantime you can look for our updates on FB and Twitter you are in the area we encourage you to stop on by!

We just returned from Grand Teton National Park participating in the Colter Bay Artist in Residence. The Teton range is timeless as it is old and for that reason spending days there makes us young again. This is our fifth year as invited artists and we’re always amazed at the visitors from near and far and of all different ages. On Saturday, July 27 we participated in the living history day at the Menor’s Ferry Festival, in Jackson Hole, WYO which included demonstrations in weaving, ferry transportation and more. While school begins in a few weeks for thousands students across the country, the Grand Teton National Park offers an educational experience that beats any text book lesson. We look forward to seeing you there next year!
LRN turtle hand drum Colter Bay Artist in Residence Colter Bay Artist in Residence Miniatures by Mauni Looking Horse Miniatures by Mauni Looking Horse buffalo horn and sheath hand drum demnostration trying out the powwow drum visitors near and far dream catcher workshop drum demonstration dream catcher workshop